Online Event
Event will be conducted in English
Monthly Date with Perdaus: August 2022
Youth Talk: Contemporary Concerns on Gender and Sexuality
Gender and sexuality are two topics which have always been part of the conversation in our community for the past decade or two.
As Muslims, our beliefs, social conduct and moral compass – how we live our lives – are rooted to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
How shall we as Muslim youth view these topics from an Islamic perspective? Is there need for reconciliation? Or instead, is there a need to understand and appreciate the wisdom behind religious injunctions, with regards to our iman and ‘aql? How do we as Muslim youth continue to be part of society, and relate to those with alternative lifestyles, with grace?
Let’s explore this topic with Ustazah Nur Hidayah and Bro Md Khair, as we navigate through the current social currency without being swept away by its waves.
Topic: Youth Talk: Contemporary Concerns on Gender and Sexuality
Panelists: Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman and Bro Md Khair Md Noor
Day/Date: 27 Aug 2022, Saturday
Time: 8pm – 9.30pm (room opens at 7.45pm)
Platform: ZOOM
Session will be in English and is FREE.